Delivery Information

Important information about your delivery:

  • Our delivery fee is £3.50 per delivery.
  • Initially, the postcodes we will be delivering to are: WN80*, WN86*, WN89*, WN87*, WN69*, WN68*, WN58*, WN57*.    
  • If demand increases in wider areas we may hopefully be able to add more postcodes to this list. When we are able to offer new postcode areas we will update this page.
  • Our selected delivery day is a Thursday.
  • Orders placed between Fridays (00:00) and Wednesdays (21:00)  will be delivered on a Thursday. We cannot guarantee a fixed time slot; all orders will be delivered between 12-5pm each Thursday.
  • If you order on a Thursday, your order will be delivered the following Thursday.
  • Your order will be delivered by one of our team in a clean, second-hand cardboard box; we love to recycle where possible!

  • Please leave instructions in the checkout section if you would like to provide our team with any further information regarding the delivery of your order.
  • Substitutions may be required if an item is out of stock, this should be a very rare occurrence, however; if this applies to your order we will endeavour to provide a substitution which is as close to the item ordered as possible.

Extra Information:

The farm shop will always stock a wider range of items than we can offer online. If you are able to, we still encourage that you visit the farm shop for the best choice of fruit and veg available.

We adopt a live pricing system this means our prices will change frequently to reflect the current market, availability and seasonality. This will sometimes mean that our online prices are slightly different to our shop prices.